Mast Climbing Work Platform

Course Overview

Test Requirements
Test LevelWrittenPractical
  • 1 Hr
  • Passed 25 MCQ on trade Syllabus
  • 3 Hrs Installation
  • 1 Hr Dismantling
  • Candidates will be grouped in a team of 4 for MCWP installation;
  • Candidates to work as a team, following safe work procedures throughout the whole course of installation.
  • Each team to install the MCWP within 3 hrs, following the safe installation sequence, observing all necessary safety checks before progressing to the next stage of installation;
  • Individual candidate will be tested on the competency to operate the completed MCWP after complete installation;
  • Individual candidate will be orally tested on the pre-operational checks, as listed in the Assessment Criteria;
  • Individual candidate is requires to install a wall anchor bracket on a vertical concrete panel at ground level, using 2 nos. of expansion bolts in accordance to position & anchor bolt size specified in the test paper. Candidate will not pass the test if the wall anchor bracket is not installed according to test requirements.
  • Each team to dismantle the MCWP within 1 Hr after the testers marked the project, following safe work procedures.
Scope of Training/Assessment
Test LevelWrittenPractical
  • 6 hrs (2 evenings 5.30-8.30pm)
  • Introduction to Mast Climbing Work Platform (MCWP);
  • Components and Functions of MCWP;
  • Typical anchorage details for MCWP;
  • Safety devices for MCWP;
  • Installation and dismantling safe work procedures for MCWP;
  • Good practices for MCWP;
  • Statutory Requirements for MCWP;
  • Workplace Safety & Health;
  • Construction Productivity.
  • 2 days (8.30am-5.30pm)
  • Trainees will be briefed on BCA Assessment Criteria for Test Project;
  • Trainers will provide detailed explanation on all the various installation stages and the safe work procedures;
  • Trainers will guide candidates how to memorize the pre-operation checks to prepare them for the Oral test;
  • Candidates will also be trained on how to interpret the test drawings for wall anchor bracket installation, how to control the drilling depth and drill machine, and installation of the bracket to required position and level;
  • Candidates will practice installation and dismantling of the MCWP as a team of 4 in accordance to the safe work procedures taught by the trainers. Candidates will also practice reciting the pre-operation checks in preparation for the Oral test.;
  • Individual candidate will also practice on the proper installation of the wall anchor bracket in accordance to the setting out and anchor bolt size allocated to each candidates on the test paper;
  • At the end of the training, trainees should be able to setup and dismantle the MCWP following safe work procedures with a team of 4 members (3 hrs installation, 1 hr dismantling), understand the operation control of the MCWP individually, and install the wall anchor brackets to test requirements;
  • Candidates will be advised to take up additional practical trainings prior to the test to ensure that they are able to acquire the required skills and speed to complete the test project.
  • Candidates must passed both written and practical test to obtain SEC(K) Certification

Course Administrative Details